Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 3


Fish again tonight lol.....okay I love fish, I know I just had it yesterday and I need to spice it up, but I love it!!!!!!!

I actually have a few questions:

1)--Does anyone take/believe in supplements??

I for one am so confused when it comes to supplements. I take Fibre Choice, for added fibre in my diet b/c I know that I don't get enough, but it's only there anything out there that is more?

I also started to take green tea, and the only reason why, is b/c I heard it helps you lose weight and I don't like the taste of it in coffee or cold drinks, so I am trying it in the pill form.....only day 2, no results yet.......

2)--What are some good GLUTEN FREE snacks?

See, technically, even though I don't have celiac disease, I have a pretty strong gluten intolerance.....anyone else, would just avoid gluten, but I am stubborn and I don't always, thus I have stomach and digestion problems, but I have made a valid effort in the past few days to avoid it and combined with WW, I do feel better.

3)--Where/What do you use to plan meals?

I tend to use Kraft kitchens for my meal ideas. One of my favourite things to do is cook and I use Goggle calendars to organizer my dinner meals, I would really like something for the whole day, I should check to see if they have that option. I feel like that would really help with my planning. I like Kraft Kitchens a lot, but I need other ideas for meal plans, b/c I am afraid I am going to get bored soon.

Any ideas or suggestions for anything would be greatly appreciate!!!!!

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